B2B Telemarketing Services

Cold Calling and Appointment Booking Services

A B2B Telemarketing Agency for Manufacturing, Industrial and engineering Companies

Running any team successfully is never easy, but running a successful B2B telemarketing team is one of life’s biggest challenges. Telemarketers think differently to most of us. They have tremendous resilience to cope with frequent rejection, they are totally results-focussed, they get a ‘buzz’ when they book an appointment, and a real kick from hitting targets.

B2B Telemarketing​Many companies that we’ve come into contact with over the years have tried to ‘do this themselves’. Only to find many months and thousands of pounds later, that it doesn’t work.

Why? Because telemarketers need directing, managing and motivating – they sink down and need lifting back up, they need continual support and approbation, they need on-going training and role-play sessions and importantly they need incentivising.

Can you commit the time and energy to recruit and manage your own telemarketing team?

As well as having all the qualities that make a good telemarketer, Stratique’s team also cares deeply about the clients they work with. They are committed to succeeding, and nothing gives them more satisfaction than hearing that an appointment they made has resulted in an order. At Stratique, we do receive more than our share of flowers, champagne and chocolates from our clients to say “job well done”.

The telephone is a powerful tool, and we use it to maximum effect to get your sales team in front of the right decision maker at the right time.

B2B Telemarketing Services

True and professional B2B telemarketing services agency for manufacturing is different to call-centre telesales. At least the way we do it is! Our team of telemarketers is trained and skilled at starting conversations with the right people, at the right time. We don’t play the numbers game, but target precisely the companies with whom our clients want to do business. We talk knowledgeably about our clients’ products and services – most of a technical nature – and have great success at getting past the gatekeepers and engaging with the people who have the authority, budget and need.

B2B telemarketing best practices

  • Use the best data.We source and build an accurate list of key decision makers for your campaign. Or if you prefer we can work with your existing database or customer dream list.
  • Profile your prospects.Whether we are talking to the finance director, CEO or purchasing department, we make sure we truly understand their problems and pain points before we pick up the phone. Our experience means we know exactly what’s important to each type of decision maker and we tailor our pitch accordingly.
  • Preparation is key.Our team members are experts at building winning lead generation campaign pitches. We never use scripts; instead we work with our clients to ensure that we are knowledgeable about their products and services and quickly become an extension of their internal team.
  • Make first contact.As well as expert telemarketing, we can also ‘turbo charge’ your campaign with targeted emails to kick start the activity. This helps warm up those prospects as well as generating hot leads straight away.
  • Identify requirements.We will only generate leads or book appointments with key decision makers who have a genuine interest or requirement, and who are fully qualified in terms of budget, authority, need and timeline.
  • Nurture, nurture, nurture.People buy from people they know, like and trust. This is true in both B2B and B2C environments. It is therefore a critical success factor to build trust and rapport whilst nurturing new prospects. We nurture, build trust and rapport through our multi-touchpoint telemarketing campaigns.
  • Arrange a meeting.Whether it’s a face to face meeting, a web demo or a telephone appointment, we’ll arrange everything for you and provide you with a quality, highly qualified sales opportunity.

Telemarketing Services for Manufacturing Companies

How to Evaluate the Best B2B Telemarketing Company for your Business

Our lead generation, telemarketing and B2B appointment setting services for manufacturing companies include:

  • Database cleansing and list building
  • Telemarketing
  • Email list optin services
  • Direct mail list optin services
  • Multi touchpoint direct marketing campaigns
  • Prospect data research
  • Telemarketing data cleansing
  • CRM systems implementation and management
  • B2B Telemarketing GDPR compliance
  • LinkedIn outreach with telemarketing follow-up calls

  • Sales lead generation
  • Appointment booking
  • Appointment rebooking
  • New product launch telemarketing
  • Event telemarketing services
  • B2B Telemarketing cold calling
  • Lead nurturing
  • Phone-based appointment booking
  • Sales enquiry generation delivering requests for quotation
  • Quotation follow-up telesales calls.