Strategic Marketing and Branding

We think first… and then we do.

Strategic marketing and branding for manufacturing companies.

Focus on the end outcome

Marketing Strategy

Strategic Marketing and Branding for Manufacturing

At the heart of any marketing agency is the creative department, and the level of skill, expertise and experience in that team can make the difference between a campaign that works and one that exceeds expectations.  Choose your creative team wisely.  Make sure they are strategic as well as creative, make sure they create a strong proposition for your brand or product and make sure they execute it well. 

Graphic design services for Manufacturing

Arguably the most challenging of design projects, print techniques and processes need to be understood and considered in conjunction with the overall design.   Typography has a big influence on the success of any design and the skills required for this shouldn’t be under-estimated.  Imagery can make or break a design, so it’s worth commissioning good original photography, or carefully researched photo-library images. See ‘our work’ for examples of our previous projects.

Packaging Design Services for Manufacturing

It takes real skill to get this right.  If you are commissioning packaging design, then look closely at what agencies have produced.  Is the finished product fit for purpose, does everything actually fit, does the design accurately reflect the product and the proposition?  Packaging has more power to get a new product off the ground than anything else.  Make sure that yours hits the mark.

Branding and Signage for Manufacturing

What does your corporate branding and signage say about you?  Sadly many companies appear to ignore their exterior signage – despite walking past it every day.  First class signage needn’t cost the earth; there are many new techniques and methods on the market that can be used to give a real lift to a building.  The same applies to vehicle signage – it’s mobile advertising, so make sure it’s working for you.

If you would like to discuss your strategic marketing, brand development, lead generation or The Business PropellerTM , please call 01827 69772 today.