Telemarketing is one of the most effective, not to mention, tried-and-tested strategies for growing a B2B business.
But when you’re busy delivering your day-to-day objectives, it can be difficult to put in the dedicated time and effort that’s required to achieve telemarketing success.
This means that it can often get pushed way down towards the bottom of the priority list, which is one of the main reasons why so many companies choose to go down the outsourcing route.
But the truth of the matter is, it’s not all plain sailing for outsourced B2B telemarketing companies either. You see, telemarketing may work, but it’s a) difficult and b) does take time to pay off.
Getting hold of the right people within an organisation at the right time is easier said than done, with many outsourced B2B telemarketing companies giving up after one or two attempts. In fact, according to HubSpot, 44% of salespeople give up after just one follow up call.
Proven business-to-business telemarketing
In our experience of delivering highly effective business-to-business telemarketingcampaigns for manufacturing companies for the last 15 years, it can take anything between five and 20 dials to get past the gatekeeper and identify the name of the key contact. But even once you have the name of the person you need to speak to, things don’t get any easier beyond that point. And even once you’ve spoken to them, they can easily forget about what’s been discussed the moment they’ve put the phone down.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. 90% of managers still view cold calling as a valuable and effective tool. Plus, there’s the fact we’ve been successfully generating valuable sales opportunities for our manufacturing clients for almost two decades.
So, what’s our secret?
Well, without giving too much of our proven B2B telemarketing know-how away, we have the right strategy, processes, materials, people, as well as skills, in place. And we know how to use them all to cater for the fact people process information differently.
For instance, some prefer a call while others prefer an email, letter, or even, a video these days. We take all these factors into consideration when delivering our clients’ telemarketing campaigns which, when combined with our B2B nurturing capabilities, enables us to consistently achieve standout results and returns on investment for our clients better than any other marketing/lead generation offer out there that we know of.
But it really all comes down to the definition of a lead. Most B2B telemarketing companies will find out a name and pass this on as a ‘lead’. This is nonsense! Our definition of a lead is someone who has been spoken with, educated and fully nurtured with our client’s value proposition and have then discussed their requirements, their timeframes and their budgets. Typically, we wouldn’t hand over this opportunity until we have requested and received engineering drawings or specifications. Now that’s what we call a properly qualified lead!
The proof is in the results
Example 1: One of our long-standing structural steelwork clients has moved into larger premises since we started working with them in 2014. They are now one of the largest structural steel fabricators in the Midlands and we regularly help to win them 6-figure projects, ranging from £100,000 to £500,000. And don’t forget, once we help to win a new customer the lifetime value of these customers can run into the millions of pounds.
Example 2: In 2014 we helped one of our European lifting and handling clients launch in the UK and have supported the establishment of a strong foothold into the UK market. We have helped win contracts with Aston Martin, Rolls Royce, Bentley and Nissan, as well as hundreds of opportunities with non-automotive SMEs. Their marketing and lead generation pays for itself ten times over.
Reaching those ‘magical’ touch points
Thanks to our leading B2B telemarketing company experience and insight, we know that less than 1% of sales are made on the first point of content so we aim to get past the 5th point of contact and on to the 7th and 14th, which is where the magic really does happen. It’s at this point, that 81% of sales transactions take place because by now, some degree of rapport and trust has been established, which is crucial, as most people are only comfortable to do business with people they know, like and trust.
We don’t just hide behind our phones like other outsourced B2B telemarketing companies either. Our team are always proactively striving to deliver results for our clients and can often be found visiting production sites and they speak with professional buyers day in, day out.
Revving things up with our Business PropellerTM
What’s more, thanks to our Business PropellerTM new business system, we’re constantly generating a steady stream of inbound enquiries for our clients each month, plus high-quality face-to-face appointments with some of the largest companies in the UK. (You can learn about it right here,
You can also find out more about it by getting in touch with us. For more details about Business PropellerTM or joining the growing number of manufacturers who are transforming their companies thanks to our B2B telemarketing services, contact us on 01827 69772 or fill in the form on this page and one of our friendly team will be happy to assist.